Monday, 28 January 2013

The next generation iDevices may have 128Gb on board

apple ipad mini review uip 37 Next Generation 128Gb iDevaysov can have on board
It is quite possible that the next generation of mobile devices Apple will model with 128 gigabytes of on board. This was told svezhevyshedshaya iOS 6.1 beta 5 , the code is dug hacker@ INeal. He found a mention of a new memory in the file  BuildManifest.plist , what immediately tweeted and got a retweet from the famous  iH8sn0w .

iOS 6.1 beta 5

iOS 6.1 beta 5 IPSW Partition 1024x419 630x257 Next Generation 128Gb iDevaysov can have on board

iOS 6.0

iOS 6.0 IPSW Partition1 1024x470 630x289 Next Generation 128Gb iDevaysov can have on board
Personally, I quite enough to 32Gb iPhone and 64 in the iPad. And you are missing 64Gb? Do you think that you need in the near future iOS-devices with 128Gb of memory?
