Last week we told you about Auxo , an innovative app - switcher concept for the iPhone , that was brought to life by two Jailbreak tweak developers @JamieD360 and James Willis . Auxo completely re innovates the basic iOS App switcher into a much more dynamic app switcher , with live app previews , wifi toggles and more .
Unfortunately , Auxo is available only for devices jailbroken on iOS 6 . That currently mean the iPhone 3G , iPod 4nd Gen and iPhone 4. Sentry promised that an iOS 5 compatible version will also be released soon , also Auxo currently works on iPhone only .
The quality on Auxo makes it seem that Apple have themselves created this awesome tweak. I really hope apple implements this in upcoming firmware updates .
If you have a compatible device , you can grab Auxo right now from Cydia - priced at $1.99
And for the rest of you waiting for iOS 6 jailbreak hang in there .