Monday, 5 November 2012

How - To : Fix iTunes Error 3194

So now everyone's trying hard to downgrade their iPhones/ iPods / iPads back to iOS 5.1.1 , but if they haven't saved their SHSH blobs , then its particularly of no use .
The same thing happened to me ,  I was figuring out - how to downgrade my iPhone back to iOS 5.1.1 without SHSH blobs  , so for the first time ever used Redsn0w to finish my task , but what it did was bricked my iPhone .
So at the end , I finally had to restore my iPhone but iTunes wasn't allowing me to do that , it showed me error # 3194 . I'm pretty sure , that many oh you have tried this method to fix your iPhone and got stuck here .

Here's a simple way to fix that

(I'm using a Windows Machine , so the same should also be applicable to Mac OS X )
  • First of all  , Go to your Local Disk (It is normally the C:/ Drive ) 
  • Select Windows , then head to System32 Folder .
  • From there go to the Drivers Folder and then hit the 'etc' folder
  • Click on Hosts , and open it using NotePad .
  • Now close all iTunes related Programs and iTunes .
  • And just add the following line at the end.


  • That's it  , now just save it .
Hope , that helps .
