Wednesday, 18 July 2012

How to jailbreak iOS 6 beta 3

Just a moments after the fruit company has released the third iOS 6 beta edition, the Dev Team has updated their well-known jailbreaktool with capability to jailbreak iOS 6 Beta 3 Build 10A5355d.
The updated iOS 6 beta version will ideally be produced accessible to the public by this fall, if you can't wait you can easily update to iOS 6 beta 3 that can be jailbroken with Redsnow 0.9.13dev3.

RedSn0w 0.9.13dev3 release information:

“The “dev3″ version covers today’s 6.0beta3 release (and also adds explicit support for 6.0beta2). Please point redsn0w at the 6.0b3 IPSW in order to jailbreak beta3 and boot tethered.”
It can be worth writing that just as iOS 6 beta versions are intended for developers, so is jailbreaking them. This edition of RedSn0w won't install Cydia, simply because that a amount of packages haven't been updated for the newest IOS firmware.
Here's a video tutorial -

Step by Step -

Step 1: Download and run RedSn0w 0.9.13dev3.
Step 2: Place your device into DFU mode.
Step 3: In RedSn0w click Extras > Select IPSW and point to your iOS 6 beta 3 firmware. RedSn0w should display a message stating that the firmware was successfully identified.
Step 4: Go back to the main page of RedSn0w and click jailbreak. Once preliminary configuration is complete, ensure Install SSH is selected, and continue. The jailbreak process should finish to completion.
Step 5: Once back to the Home screen on your device, place the device back into DFU mode, and perform Step 3 again.
Step 6: Click Just boot under the Extras menu subset, and RedSn0w will perform a tethered boot on your device.

Download RedSn0w 0.9.13dev3

Navogate to our Download Section to download RedSn0w 0.9.13dev3
