Monday, 4 March 2013

Apple patented a magnetic mount for iPad

ipad v aute Apple patented a magnetic mount for iPad
A few days ago Patent and Trademark patent application U.S. confirms Apple, which refers to the unique development of American corporations - the device with magnets to attach iPad to different surfaces.
Apple patent Apple has patented two magnetic mount for iPad
Special stand with magnets will be installed on the tablet treadmill stand, music stand, etc. In addition, it can help you to connect the two devices via a hinge, which will create a sort of book. The comparison is with the book is not accidental: the loops Mount the wireless chips, which will link the two tablet in a single unit, and features like page turning will be displayed simultaneously on both devaysa.
Apple patent 3 Apple patented magnetic mount for iPad
Apple plans to connect the attachment device with shielded magnetic component, which will be placed in the iPad, which guarantees an additional bond. Unshielded powerful magnets may affect the electronic components inside the device, so the usual focus of such passes.
Apple patent 1 Apple patented magnetic mount for iPad
As filed, by the way, is detailed iPad mounting system in the car: you can use the rotary encoder to enable and disable the tablet. Probably the connection machine to the plate will be made possible by identification with a "magnetic signature". Motorists (and not only them) will appreciate the useful and convenient functionality in combination with wireless data transmission.
