These are instructions on how to jailbreak your iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, or iPhone 3GS on iOS 6.0 to iOS 6.1 using Evasi0n for Windows.
Step OneEnsure your iPhone is on iOS 6.0 to iOS 6.1 then perform a backup of your iPhone .
Step TwoCreate a folder called Pwnage on your desktop and download the Evasi0n utility into the folder.
Step ThreeExtract the Evasi0n zip file to the Pwnage folder on your desktop.
Step FourDouble click the newly created evasi0n-win folder to open it.
Step FiveRight click the Evasi0n exe icon then select Run as Administrator from the contextual menu to launch the application.
Step SixEnsure your iPhone is connected to the computer via a USB cable if you haven't already.
Step SevenRemove any lock screen passcodes on your device then click the Jailbreak button to begin.
Step EightThe app will retrieve information from the device to generate jailbreak data, inject stage 1 jailbreak data, reboot the device, wait for the device to be ready, inject stage 2 jailbreak data, upload Cydia, and upload the Cydia packages list.
Step NineYou will then be asked to unlock your device and tap the new 'Jailbreak' app icon. It is imperative that you only tap the icon once. The app will open and immediately close.
Step TenEvasi0n will then inject the remount payload, remount the root filesystem, prepare the final jailbreak data, inject the final jailbreak data, and complete!
Step ElevenYour iPhone will now reboot with Cydia on the SpringBoard!