While users are discussing the rumors of the imminent release of "smart watches" from Apple, designers try to predict the future shape and features expected gadget. Fuse Chicken company offers its own version of design and functional iWatch.
IWatch design of Fuse Chicken is based on iPhone 5 - the same bevelled edges and colors. It is assumed that the clock will be thinner than the iPhone, because some parts smartphone will be excluded. The battery life of the device - from three to five days.
iWatch can listen to music through Bluetooth-headset, and to make and receive calls. The size of this concept 1.25 x1, 25 inches, the designers did not make the screen more afraid that the clock with a wide display will be uncomfortable to wear. IWatch via Bluetooth 4 will be integrated with the phone, and will acquire a number of custom applications, such as Weather, Voice memo, Clock Faces, iPod, App Store, Calendar, Reminders, Messages. Camera will even make video calls.
The creators of the video suggests that Apple will pay much attention to the strap design, and their concept, it consists of two rigid parts for better fixation and easy removal.
In his speech at the Goldman Sachs conference, Tim Cook has neither confirm nor deny the possibility of soon expected products such as Apple iWatch, cheap iPhone and iPhone with a large screen. While we can only believe him, that the company would never allow themselves to market a product is crude, and whatever hours were from Apple, they will be as revolutionary as the previous company's products.