“Metroon” Brings Windows 8 Metro UI To iPhone
Everyone's heard of the Windows 8 “Metro” , which was released recently , for Windows tablets and Lumia phones. How 'bout getting it in your iPhone ?
Released this week, a new Dreamboard team called “Metroon” aims to bring the full Windows 8 “Metro” UI to your iPhone. Citing ‘full functionality,’ the theme “allows you to switch between the Metro UI, and standard iOS [theme] in the form of the ‘Desktop View.’”
The theme is fully functional. It allows you to switch between the Metro UI, and standard iOS in the form of the desktop view. The tiles can be moved to your liking, and you can even head onto the standard UI app list – to select your favorite applications.Check out the video below to see the tweak in-action!
Here's another video by Jeff at iDownloadBlog :
Metroon is available from the official ModMyi Cydia repo for just $1.50.
tell me what you think of this Dreamboard theme below in the comments section.