A brand-new jailbreak tweak called ChromeMe allows iDevice owners to easily open new URLs in Chrome, rather than in a Safari window, Redmond Pie reports.
Once downloaded and installed, a new icon is added to the Safari app’s pop-up action menu: as you can see in the above image, the new option added by the jailbreak tweak is called “Open in Chrome.” As the button’s name suggests, jailbroken iDevice owners can use this tweak to quickly and easily open URLs in Chrome, rather than using a javascript bookmarklet (as has been detailed elsewhere). It’s a handy, simple tweak, and something users of the app will appreciate.
Though we’ve declared Chrome to be one of Google’s best iOS apps to date, the jailbreak scene has indeed found ways of improving the popular application. BrowserChooser, for example, allows users to reconfigure Chrome to be their iDevice’s default browser (rather than Safari), while Chromizer makes a series of smaller improvements to the app.
Currently, ChromeMe is available to download in the Cydia Store for free. Take a look at the new jailbreak tweak now, and make Google’s already-brilliant iOS app even better!
Source: Redmond Pie