Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Tweak review - swipe back

SwipeBack is a Cydia tweak that brings a much cooler alternative to the back button for iOS devices, and if you have this tweak, you will be able to use a single swipe to go back one step within the app.

The gesture control and visual effects in SwipeBack are pretty similar to the ones in the popular Zephyr, but while that tweak was for switching between apps, the more recent one is just about letting users navigate within
apps. Head past the break to learn more.

 The iOS navigation buttons present in the navigation bar at the top of the screen are elegant navigation tools, however iOS hacker and developer Ryan Petrich has once again added a simple, but jaw-dropping feature that smoothly allows us to swipe backwards just below the navigation bar to move backwards in our application. The tweak, dubbed SwipeBack, works in most iOS applications such as Settings, Notes, Messages, and much more. App Store applications will be hit or miss. The best part about the tweak? It's free!

Using SwipeBack feels very user-friendly. You do have to take extra care to swipe in exactly the right place, however you’ll get the feel for it in no time. The navigation animations are so fluid that you can move your finger in either direction as you grab hold of the pane and wiggle the pane around without any lagginess.

SwipeBack doesn’t swipe forward; only backward. This is because when you are in any set pane, there could be numerous places for you to go forward to. When going back, there’s only one place to swipe back to. Notice how when navigating iOS panes normally, you cannot use the navigation bar to go forward either. That being said, SwipeBack follows some pretty simple common sense – just like Apple would.

1) Launch “Cydia”
2) Click “Sources”
3) Click “Edit”(right side) + “Add” (left side) + Enter “http://rpetri.ch/repo/” + Click “Add Source”
4) Select “RPetri.ch Repository” and Select “SwipeBack” + click “Install” + click “Confirm”
5) Done.
