What to give a cool 3D effect to your springboard , then this tweak is for you . DeepEnd is a tweak which gives your iDevice a very cool 3D effect .
DeepEnd developed by Ryan Petrich is available in his official beta repo - rpetri.ch/repo/ OR you can add this repo - repo.insanelyi.com
DeepEnd developed by Ryan Petrich is available in his official beta repo - rpetri.ch/repo/ OR you can add this repo - repo.insanelyi.com
Now that you have added this repository to your Cydia sources , search for DeepEnd and install it ,
after installing go to the settings app and search for DeepEnd.app .
On opening the settings panel of DeepEnd ... you will see the following options
1.Enable toggle
The zoom feature zooms your wallpaper
By defult your wallpaper is zoom in to 50%... I recommend that you decrease it to 20 to 25 %. As zooming in much destroys the quality of the wallpaper .
And set both pitch and roll to maximum.
Now what this tweak does is that as you move your iPhone your wallpaper reorients according to your phones movement giving a 3D effect .
But , there's one bug in this tweak ... after enabling it .. as you scroll through your springboard pages the movement of the pages often lags especially if you are using Barrel .Still is a great tweak
Let me know what do you think about this tweak in the comments section below
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